Thursday 29 April 2010

Not every cloud has a silver lining

As I look up, all I see is blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Not a plane or a single vapour trail above me – it is a first in many ways!

It is hard to believe that somewhere high above the blue is a dark cloud of volcanic ash shrouding most of Europe and suffocating the way many of us usually travel.

I am used to traveling and unlike most, I quite enjoy the ‘getting there’ part of the trip, but to be caught up in this phenomenon is bizarre at best and a nightmare at worst.

When the news broke surprise was my first emotion, followed be the need to be patient and having complete faith that all would return to normal in a couple of days.

Then as time progressed it was the realization that in order to get home, other methods of transport would need to be used. Optimism returns as you feel you are grasping control of the situation, followed swiftly by frustration as zillions of other people are doing exactly the same and what few alternatives there are get stretched to beyond capacity.

Suddenly the most basic modes of transport become luxurious – a 9 hour bus journey or feeling triumphant when you get the last places on a 15 hour boat journey with only deck space!

The out of the question options start to look attractive and you smile as you see you are not alone – many people around you who haven’t traveled on a 20 minute bus journey for many years accept that they have to take a 9 hour bus journey. Business people, couples and families alike, all with one aim – to get home whatever it takes.

The Amazing Journey

Northern Finland – Helsinki – 520 miles
15 hours on the night train – no cabin

Helsinki – Stockholm – 163 miles
15 hours on an evening crossing by boat – only deck space

Stockholm – Copenhagen – 414 miles
9 hours on a bus

Copenhagen – Calais – 695 miles
13.5 hours in a fiat 500 hire car

Calais – Dover – 21 miles
1 hour 15 mins on a ferry with a full English breakfast

Dover – Northumberland – 377 miles
7 hours by car

Total mileage – 2190!

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